We portrayed the Senior Regiment of The Oxford Army of 1643

In 1643 Great Britain was gripped by
Civil War. King Charles had been driven from London by Parliament and had set up a new capital in Oxford. Our founding Colonel, Sir William Pennyman, brought his Regiment to fight for the King.
The image on the left, shows Christ Church College, Oxford which was where the Royal government
was based. Sir William Pennyman was appointed Governor of Oxford by King Charles.
The Regiment wore blue suits

The Regiment had originally been raised from the Yorkshire Trained Bands for the war with the Scots 1638-9. In 1643 the Regiment as part of the garrison of Oxford, was re-equipped with new suits and caps of blue cloth, new weapons, armour and well provided with ammunition.
Our primary identity as a re-enactment organisation is to represent a company of Sir William Pennyman's Regiment just after it had been re-equipped at Oxford in 1643. We wear blue suits and caps made to a well-researched pattern and we are armed with museum-quality reproduction arms and armour.
Find out more on the History of the Regiment page.