How often are events?
We have monthly get-togethers for socialising and 'make-and-mend'.
Our public events are usually once a month during the Summer.
You can choose to go to just one event or all events. The choice is yours.
Where are the events?
Our events take place at a wide variety of locations across the country. We even make occasional trips abroad to perform in Belgium and Holland. There will always be an event close to your home each year.
Where do you stay at events?
During the summer most of our members camp or caravan whilst a few prefer the comfort of a local B&B.
If an event is between October and April we organise indoor camping.
If you have never camped before, don't worry. We have loads of experience and we all help each other.
How much does it cost?
Not very much – since we hold extensive stores and supply our own members with what they need.
We have a small annual membership fee to cover insurance and administration. All of the expensive equipment such as weapons and tents is held centrally by the Regiment and is issued to members as required at each event – so you don't need to buy your own armour or musket.
New members are fully clothed in uniforms and clothing from our stores. Established members have the option of gradually purchasing or making their own clothing. The clothes are simple to make or can be bought from the Regiment.
Are the weapons real?
All our weapons and armour are real and are made to museum-quality reproduction standard.
The swords and armour are steel and the muskets and artillery really do fire using real gunpowder.
How safe is it?
Our displays look dangerous to the audience but they are actually very safe to take part in.
We are driven by health & safety and manage any potential risks to diminish the hazard.
Can I bring my family with me?
Of course. It is encouraged. The core of our membership is families.
Our children are valuable team players too!
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